Photos from our Sept 27, 2017 National Auto Body Council #RecycledRides™ Massachusetts Fallen Heroes event. Our vehicle recipient, Gold Star Daughter, Kaleigh Hayes, was just 7 years old in 2003 when her father, Army Sgt. Glenn R. Allison, died in Iraq. She is currently attending college, teaches at the Boys and Girls Club, works in a mentoring program and is a YMCA visitation supervisor. Kaleigh gives back to the community and thinks of her father every day. “He inspired me to push forward, pay it forward, and make an impact on those around me,” Kaleigh told attendees and the press at the Gifting Event.
The vehicle, a 2014 Nissan Sentra, was donated by MetLife Insurance. Today’s team members refurbished the exterior and brakes, gave it some new tires and performed some general maintenance. Our partners at Enterprise gave Kaleigh a $250 gas card to give her a head start. After Kaleigh was given the keys, she received a police escort from the City of Malden police department as she drove away in her new car. Good Luck Kaleigh!
Photo Credit: Paul Hammersley, City of Malden