If, during the disassembly stage, additional damage is found, our estimators will rewrite the repair requirements needed to repair your vehicle back to pre-accident condition, and produce a new appraisal, or, “Supplemental Estimate,” and communicate the changes to your insurance company.  We will negotiate the repairs on your behalf with the insurance company.  While some insurance companies respond quickly, others can take 7 – 14 business days to respond.  Unfortunately, until we receive a response from the insurance company, we are unable to move forward with the vehicle’s repairs.

Frequently, this stage of the repair process can be what stalls our entire production line.  Once a disassembled vehicle is within the “repair path” in our shop, waiting for a revised estimate approval, it can not only delay the repair schedule for that vehicle, but also all the vehicles next in line.  We do our best to expedite this process.